Change history for OooPlayer

2018-05-26 19:43:53
Updated by billon

  • Website URL: https://ooop/
  • License: [url=]GPLv.2[/url] v2
  • What's new: AddSeed:[list][*]General:[list][*]New UI layout.[/list][*]Music Player:[list][*]18 band equalizer with several presets;[*]Detailed file info program;[*]Playlist now has columns for title, album, artist and bitrate, channel, codec and samplerate;[*]Pressing previous button in shuffle mode will return to previous random song instead playing the next random song;[*]An option to enable/disable loading of already downloaded lyrics.[/list][/list]Improved:[list][*]M:[usic Player:[list][*]Separated options of loading and downloading lyrics.[/list][*]Radio Player:[list][*]Usability by making radio playlist and playlist selection like music player.[/list][l]https://list]Fixed:[list][*]General:[list][*]Improved search function results;[*]Clicking on a taskbar button would make buttons disappear.[/list][*]Music Player:[list][*]Lyric list's width was not adjusted according to the content;[*]Queue lisgit omenu options were n/ozot working.[/OooPliayer/releasest][*/url]Radio ...

2017-07-18 09:34:58
Updated by ozok

  • Synopsis: OooPlayer is a skinminimalistic music abnd Internet radio player/recorde,r mtradinimg alistic mubasic feature set for low resource usage and Inte fast starnetup. Includes internet radio radio player/recorderding, lyric trdownloading er, la basic feature for low resouintegrce usage ationd fast startup. Incl, mudes skins, internelt radiople recording, lplayrlic downloadersts.Supports mp3, aac, alac, flac, ogg, opus, ape, mpc, tta, tak, wav, ofr, wv, wma, ac3 and spx formats as well as m3u and m3u8 playlists.
  • Screenshot: Updated

2017-07-17 12:04:52
Updated by billon

  • Screenshot: Updated

2017-07-17 11:37:46
Updated by billon

  • Website URL: http://www.fosoooplayer.shoub.rcefom/OooPlayerge.hnetml/
  • Version: v2.1.2.0
  • License: [url=]GPLv.2[/url]
  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis: OooPlayer is a skinnable, minimalistic music and Internet radio player/recorder trading a basic feature set for low resource usage and fast startup. Includes skins, internet radio recording, lyric downloader.Supports mp3, aac, oggalac, flac, opusgg, flac, alac, apopus, ape, mpc, tta, , tta, tak, wav, ofr, wv, wma, ac3 and spx formats as well as m3u and m3u8 playlists.
  • Download URL:
  • Keywords: Ooo o%20player ooplayer oplayer
  • Similar/alternative apps: [url=]Boom[/url]
  • Release date: 20157-027-216
  • What's new: Added:[list][*]General: [list][*]New UI layout.[/list][*]Music Plany skins (over 100).[*]General: An opt[lion to spt][*]18 band equalizer with several presets;[*]Detailed file info program;[*]Playlist now has columns for title, album, artist and bitrate, channel, codec and samplerate;[*]Pressing previous button in shuffle mode will return to previous random song instead playing the next random song;[*]An option to enable/disable loading of already downloaded lyrics.[/list][/list]Improved:[list][*]Music Player:[list][*]Separated options of loading and downloading lyrics.[/list][*]Radio Player:[list][*]Usability by making radio playlist and playlist selection like music player.[/list][/list]Fixed:[list][*]General:[list][*]Improved searcifyh function results;[*]Clicking on a taskbar button would make buttons disapplear.[/list][*]Music Playyer:[list item text combst][*]Lyric list's width was naot adjustied according to the con.tent;[*]MuQueue list right-click menu oplayer: Small buttons below the playlist for easier access to some functitions.[/list]Fix wed:[list][*]Music player: New playlisre nots could woverwrite the old ones rkin some casesng.[*]General: Blinking when changing a skin.[//list]Updated:[list][*]Tag libraries.[][*]Skin]Radio library.[/list]..

2016-02-09 19:21:15
Updated by webfork

  • Icon: Updated
  • Screenshot: Updated

2016-02-09 19:15:25
Updated by webfork

  • System Requirement:
  • How to extract: [list=1][*]Download the self-extracting "portable" EXE and extract to a folder of your choice[*]Within this folder, create an empty text file[*]Open the text file and paste and paste the folollowiing content:[fo[indent][font=monospace][settings]update=0[/font][/indent][*]Rename the text file to [i]settings.ini[/i][*]Launch [i]OooPlayer.exe[/i][/list]

2015-02-21 17:33:53
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v2.1.12
  • Size (in bytes): 19265697108248
  • Release date: 2015-02-0621
  • What's new: Added:[list][*]General: Many skins (over 100).[*]General: An option to specify playlist item text combination.[*]Music player: Small buttons below the playlist for easier access to some functions.[/list]Fixed:ed:[list][*]Music player: New playlists could overwrite the old ones in some casest].[*]General: Title texteneral: Blinking washen changin'tg a resekin.[/list ]Uproperly after resizing dathe window.[*]Lyr:[lic Downloader: Extra texst was displayed when downlo][*]Taded fromg[*]General: A few small bugss.[/list]Updated:[list][*]TagSkin librrariesy.[/list]

2015-02-06 18:40:19
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v2.1.01
  • Size (in bytes): 199584761024
  • Release date: 2015-01-25-06
  • What's new: Added:[list][*]Music player: An option to specify window title combination.[*]Music player: An option to hide queue list.[*]Radio player: Recording radio stations without encoding.[*]General: Title text will scroll if it is too long.[*]General: Some interface changes.[/list]Fixed:[list][*ed:[list]Radio player: Lyric downloader didn't function on song change.[*]Geneenerall: Some controls were not skTinntled.[*]G text wasn't reset properal:y Some interfaceafter bugresizing thae window.[*]Lyric Downloader: Extra text appeared if wask dins played when downloadered dfrom[*]General: A few small bugs.[/list]Updated:[list][*]Tag libraries.[/list]

2015-01-25 20:21:21
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v2.01.0
  • Size (in bytes): 199584300376
  • Release date: 20000-0015-001-25
  • What's new: Added:[list][*]Support for multiple playlists[*]SkinsMusic player: An option to specify window title combination.[*]Music player: An option to hide queue list.[*]Radio player: Recording radio stations without encoding.[*]General: Title text will scroll if it is too long.[*]General: Some interface changes.[/list]Fixed:[list][*]Radio player: Lyric downloader didn't function on song change.[*]General: Some controls were not skinned.[*]SomGe interface changes[*]Anl: Soption to hidme inte/show lyrifac panel[*]New buttongs andthat icons[/list]Fixappeared:[l if skinst][*]Ta were diskbar overablay icon wasn't updated in radio mode.[*]Users could clGenear the playlist while adding files[/list]Updatedl:[list][*]BassFLAC to 2.4.2[*]WMA, MP4 and APEv2 few smalli brarieugs.[/list]

2015-01-25 20:05:04
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: OooPlayer is a lighskinnable, minimalistic music and Internet radio player/recorder trading a basic feature set for lowei resource usaght, minime and fast startup. Incliudes skins, internetic music aradio recordind radio pg, layer trading a basic feature set for low resource usagdownloade and fast startup. Supupports mp3, aac, ogg, opus, flac, alac, ape, mpc, c, ttta, a, wv, wmaa, a ac3 audio formats as well as m3u and m3u8 playlists.

2014-12-20 22:58:09
Updated by ozok

  • Version: v12.90.0
  • Size (in bytes): 1799421734003
  • Download URL:
  • Screenshot: Updated
  • What's new: Added:[list][*]Program now accepts file paths as parameters, adds them to playlist and starts playback.[*]Many Interface changes.[*]Taskbar overlay icon and thumbbuttons for Windows 7 and later.[/list]Improved:[list][*]CPU usage is even lower now in most cases.[*]Cover art loading performance.[/list]Fixed:[list][*]Cover art loading coSuld interfere with gapless playback in some PCs.[*]"Npo mapping for the Unicode char..." errors while downloading lyrics.[*]Queue lisrt had nfor righmultiple cplaylicsts[*]Sk ins[*]Somenu.[*]Position text and lyric box weree in't reseted rfaftcer changest[*]An optiong to hide/show lyrin somec cpases.[*]Couldn't load ppf playlist fieles.[*]Couldn't resumNe with play buttton.s and icons[/list]Updalist]Fixed:[lisst][*]ID3v1 Taskbandr ID3ov2 erlibay icon wasn't updated in rardio modes.[*]MeUsers could clear the playlist while aIddinfog files[/list]Updated:[list][*]BassFLAC to 0.7 2.714.2[*]WMA, MP4 and APEv2 libraries[/list]

2014-11-29 20:33:01
Updated by webfork

  • Keywords: Ooo player ooplayer oplayer
  • Similar/alternative apps: [url=]Boom[/url]

2014-11-27 20:04:58
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.89.0
  • Size (in bytes): 1674108521734
  • What's new: [list][*]Addded: Suppor[list ][*]Program now accepts forile paths as exparameternal pngs, bmp and adds them to playlist and starts playback.[*]Many Interface changes.[*]Taskbar overlay icon and thumbbuttons for Windows 7 and later.[/list]Improved:[list][*]CPU usage is even lower now in most cases.[*]Cover art loading performance.[/list]Fixed:[list][*]Cover art loading could interfere with gapless playback in some PCs.[*]"No mapping for the Unicode char..." errors while downloading lyrics.[*]Queue list had no right click menu.[*]Position text and lyric box weren't reseted after stoping ifn some covases.[*]Couldn't load ppf playlist filers.[*]Couldn't arresume with fiplay button.[/leis[*t]ImUprovdated: Jpeg and png cover art d[lisplay performancet][*]Improved: Jpeg and png coD3v1 and ID3ver arts are now resized smoother[*]Fixed: Clearing the playlist didn't clear queue2 librariest.[*]Fixed: Couldn't rMead artwork diaIn some cases and showed cover art from previous file[*]Updated: Basswma o to 20.7.471.5[/list]

2014-10-26 09:35:17
Updated by ozok

  • Version: v1.78.0
  • What's new: Added:[list][*]A new interface layout moving lyric out of tabs[*]An option close search window when a result is selected to play (thx to Midas)[*]Options to search songs in YouTube an[list][*]Added: Support for external png, bmp and Google[*]Default lyric source is now[*]Icons to playback controls[*]An animation to show that player is connecting tif co a rver adio[/lisrt]F fixed:[liest][*]MImprovemord: Jpeg and png cover art display leaks[*]Button to o pen radio recordings folder didn't functiormance[/list*]UImpdatroved:[lis Jpeg and png cover art][*]BassE are nc to 2.4.12w resized smoother[*]OgFixed: Clearing the planylist didn't clear queue list[*]Fixed: Couldn't WMA read artwork in some cases and showed cover ag lrt from previous fible[*]Updated: Basswma to 2.4.5[/list]

2014-10-11 20:49:21
Updated by ozok

  • Version: v1.67.0
  • Screenshot: Updated
  • What's new: Added:[list][*]RadioA new interfacec layout moving lyrdic out of tabs[*]Ang to mp3, ogg vtiorbis, aac.[*]New lyric sources and[*]Option to select between lyric sources.[*]Lyric downloader now works for radio player too.[*]An option to specify playback buffer in ms.[*]Play count information is now stored in playclistose search awind shown in twheen a result ints selerfacte.[*]And to ption to enable/disable lyric download failurelay (thx to logging.[/list]FixeMid:[liast])[*]A Oplayltionst bug where to searchere'd songs in YouTube annd unnGoogle[*]Default lyric source is now[*]Icesons to playback controlsary horiz[*]An animationt to show that player is connecrting to a radio[/list]Fixed:[list][*]Memory llbeaks[*]Button to open radio recordings folder didn't function[/list]Updated:[list][*]BassEnc to 2.4.12[*]Ogg and WMA tag libs[/list]

2014-10-01 17:12:43
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.56.10
  • Size (in bytes): 9164108569792
  • What's new: Added:[list][*]Radio recording to mp3, ogg vorbis, aac.[*]New lyric sources and[*]Option to select between lyric sources.[*]Lyric downloader now works for radio player too.[*]An option to specify playback buffer in ms.[*]Play count information is now stored in playlist and shown in the interface.[*]An option to enable/disable lyric download failure logging.[/list]Fixed:[list][*]Double cA playlickinst bug a radiowhere stherearch result'd be an caused "Argument out of reach" nnecessary horror[*]Selectizong a rtadio searl sch result didn't scroolll to thbat station in radio list.[/list]

2014-09-24 13:35:22
Updated by ozok

  • Version: v1.5.1
  • Unicode support: No Yes
  • Screenshot: Updated
  • What's new: Added:[list][*]Queue in music playlist.[*]Radio favourites.[*]Add/remove radio stations.[*]Song number to playlist.[/list]Changed:[list][*]Player getting stuck when it reaches the end of the playlist.[*]Couldn't download lyric if title or artist contained ".".[*]Possible fiFix for access vialotion errors when closing the program.d:[*]Playlist co][*]Doublore probclem icking a radio search result caundsed "Ar dgument out of reach" erk cror[*]Selecting a rassdio search result Wdindown't s croll to themeat s.tation in radio list[/list]

2014-09-24 13:28:22
Updated by ozok

  • Website URL:

2014-09-22 17:17:26
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.45
  • Size (in bytes): 96562100979
  • What's new: Added:[list][*]GaplesQueue in music playlist.[*]Radio favourites.[*]Add/remove radio stations.[*]Song number to playlist.[/list]Changed:[list][*]Player getting stuck when it reaches the end of the playlist.[*]Couldn't download lyric if title or artist contained ".".[*]Possible fix for access vialotion errors when closing the playbrograckm.[*]LPlayric downloader.[*]Searchist functionlor fproblem under radio station dark clist.[*]Radio stationsic info wWindows (thx to Midas).[/list]Improved:[list][*]Lowered CPU usaghe significantly in some cases.[/list]Removed:[list][*]Visualization.[/list]

2014-09-11 15:54:54
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.34
  • Size (in bytes): 96695582100
  • What's new: Added:[list][*]RaGapless playback.[*]Lyric downloader.[*]Search function for radioio station list.[*]Radio station info window (thx to plMidayers).[/list]Improved:[list][*]Visualization.[*]A fLowerewd CPU usage significantly interfac some changesases.[/list]FixRemoved:[list][*]Keyboard shortcVisuts for "Save Playalist" zand "Stiop" were the samen.[/list]

2014-09-07 18:47:36
Updated by webfork

  • Categories: [Internet - Media Clients]

2014-09-07 18:11:11
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: OooPlayer is a lightweight, minimalistic music and radio player ter tradiing a baasic feature set for low resource usage and fast startup. Supports mp3, aac, ogg, opus, flac, alac, ape, mpc, tta, wv, wma, ac3 audio formats as well as m3u and m3u8 playlists.

2014-09-07 18:10:38
Updated by webfork

  • Screenshot: Updated

2014-09-07 14:41:56
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.23
  • Size (in bytes): 923669920558
  • What's new: Added:[list][*]Dragging items in the playlist.[*]Support for internal artwork.[*]An option to loRad external or internaio pl artworks firstyer.[*]Support for WAV fileisualization.[*]A few interface chan option to delete selected files from the playlist.[*]Tray icon and tray menu.[*]Some shortcutges.[/listlist]Fixed:[list][*]Program would stop working if user tried to play a non-existing file.[/list]Updated:[list]][*]MKeyboard shortcuts for "Save Playlist" aInfod "Stop" were the 0.7.69same.[/list]

2014-08-25 15:33:00
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.12
  • Size (in bytes): 918042359920
  • What's new: Added:[list][*]Dragging items in the playlist.[*]Support for internal artwork.[*]An option to load external or internal artworks first.[*]Support for WAV files.[*]An option to delete selected files from the playlist.[*]Tray icon and tray menu.[*]Some shortcuts.[/list]Fixed:[list][*]Program would stopport f working if uspeex,r TAK and OptimFrog files.[*]An option to not to loaied c tover art.[*]Smaller plackage size.[/list]Fiy a non-exed:[list][*]Unable to drag&drop audio files toing pfilayliste.[/list]Updated:[list][*]FLAC, WacPack anMed Opus playback libraries.[*]ID3v1 and ID3v2 fo tago libraries0.7.69.[/list]

2014-08-20 00:06:53
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: OooPlayer is a lightweight, musicinimalistic music playerer trading a wbasic featureseth for low resource usage and fast startup. Supports mp3, aac, ogg, opus, flac, alac, ape, mpc, tta, wv, wma, ac3 audio formats as well as m3u and m3u8 playlists.

2014-08-15 00:32:13
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: OooPlayer is a lightweight music player focused on low reswith low resouurce uusage and fast stage.Irtup. Supports mp3, aac, ogg, supports mp3, aac, ogg, opus, flac, alac,flac, alac, ape, ape, mmpc, t, tta, , wv, , wma, ac3 audio formats and s well as m3u, and m3u8 playlists.

2014-08-11 15:36:03
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.01
  • Size (in bytes): 101951804357
  • Download URL:
  • What's new: Added:[list][*]Support for speex, TAK and OptimFrog files.[*]An option to not to load cover art.[*]Smaller package size.[/list]Fixed:[list][*]Unable to drag&drop audio files to playlist.[/list]Updated:[list][*]FLAC, WacPack and Opus playback libraries.[*]ID3v1 and ID3v2 tag libraries.[/list]

2014-08-10 13:54:15
Updated by Checker

  • Stealth (details): If 'check for updates' is undisabled.

2014-08-09 23:42:41
Updated by Checker

  • How to extract: [list=1][*]Download the self-extracting "portable" EXE and extract to a folder of your choice[*]Within this folder, create an empty text file[*]Open the text file and paste the following content:[font=monospace][settings]update=0[/font][*]Rename the text file to [i]settings.ini[/i] and l[*]Launch [i]OooPlayer.exe[/i][/list]

2014-08-09 23:09:35
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: OooPlayer is a light-weight music player withfocused veryon low resource usage.It supports mp3, aac, ogg, opus, flac, alac, ape, mpc, tta, wv, wma, ac3 audio formats and m3u, m3u8 playlists.
  • How to extract: [list=1][*]Download the self-extracting EXE and exttract to ing "portable" EXE and extract to a folder of your choice[*]Within this folder, create an empty text file[*]Open the text file and paste the following content:[foldnt=monospace][ser of yottings]ur choicepdate=0[/font][*]WithiRename thise text foilder create a se to [i]settiings.ini with the following content:[font=monospace]i[sett/ings]upd] ate=0[/font][*]Ld launch [i]OooPlayer.exe[/i][/list]

2014-08-09 20:39:31
Updated by Checker

  • License: F[ureel=]GPL[/url]

2014-08-09 20:30:25
Updated by Checker

  • Stealth (details): If 'check for updates' is unabled.

2014-08-09 20:26:55
Updated by Checker

  • How to extract: [list][*]Download the self-extracting EXE and extract to a folder of your choice[*]Within this folder create a settings.ini with the following content:[setfont=monospace][settings]]update=0[/font][*]Launch [i]OooPlayer.exe[/i][/list]
  • Forum topic ID: 021633

2014-08-09 20:25:30
Added by Checker