Change history for DVDsig

2023-03-25 11:49:37
Updated by webfork

  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis: DVDsig was creatscans all files in a directory structure to verify that files have not been changed or corrupted. Although named for checking external med to ia (DVDs), the program can monitor all files in a directory structure to verify fioles buderned tor a CD ofolders for DVD, but chan also monitoges.For a local folder and s ubfoldsers for cwithanges. CD/DDVD usage:[list=1][*]Place [i]dvdsig.exe[/i] in the top-most folder you wish to check and run the program[*]Click "Scan" and wait for the check program to check all files[*]Burn the files (including [i]dvdsig.exe[/i] and [i]dvdsig.md5[/i]) to your disk [*]To check the results, run [i]dvdsig.exe[/i] from the disk at any time to verify file integrity[/list]The program uses the MD5 checksum algorithm.

2021-02-09 06:08:35
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Website URL:
  • Download URL: http://ms://

2017-11-25 03:15:57
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: DVDsig was created to scan all files in a directory structure to verify files burned to a CD or DVD, but can also monitor a local folder and subfolders for changes.UCD/DVD usage:[list=1][*]Place [i]dvdsig.exe[/i] in the top-most folder you wish to check and run the program[*]Click "Scan" and wait for the check program to check all files[*]Burn the files (including [i]dvdsig.exe[/i] and [i]dvdsig.md5[/i]) to your disk [*]To check the results, run [i]dvdsig.exe[/i] from the disk at any time to verify file integrity[/list]The program uses the MD5 checksum algorithm.

2017-11-25 03:15:15
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: DVDsig was created to scan all files in a directory structure to verify files burned to a CD or DVD, but can also monitor a local folder and subfolders for changes.To check the disk, place [i]dvdsUsage:[list=1][*]Place [i]dvdsig.eexe[/i] in the top-most folder yomost folder you wish to check and run the program[*]Click "Scan" and wait for the check program to check all files[*]Burn the files (including [i]dvdsig.exe[/i] and [i]dvdsig.md5[/i]) to your wdish tosk ch[*]To check. Tthen results, brurn your files (including [i]dvdsig.exe[/i] and [i]dvdsig.fromd5[/i]) to your dishe disk and then run DVDsig from the disk at a any time to verify the infile integrrity of your f[/liles. t]The program uses the MD5 checksum algorithm.
  • How to extract: Download [i]dvdsiig.eexe[/i] to a folder of your choice and launch.

2017-11-25 03:13:04
Updated by webfork

  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis: DVDsig was created to scan all files in a directory structure to verify files burned to a CD or DVD, but can also monitor a local folder and subfolders for changes.To check the disk, place dvdsig.exe in the top most f[i]dvdsig.exe[/i] in the top-most foldeer you wishh to check and runk. Thenen, burn your files burn your files (including dding [i]dvdsig.eexe [/i] and [i]dvddsig.mdd5 to [/i]) to your disk and the then run D DVDsisig from the disk at any t any timee to vererify thee iintegrity of tegrityou of your fileses. UThe program uses thes MD5 checksum algorithm.
  • Screenshot: Updated
  • Release date: 20000-004-01-01

2012-09-01 02:54:50
Updated by webfork

  • Categories: [Files - Checksum Calculators] [Files - Change Detection] [CD/DVD - Miscellaneous]
  • Additional features: [CD/DVD - Miscellaneous] [Files - Change Detection]
  • Version: Vv1.01
  • Synopsis: DVDsig recursively scans all files in a directory structure and generates a database of MD5 signatures. It is primarily intended to verify files burned to a CD or DVD. Place dvdsig.exe in the top most folder and run a scan. Burn your files including dvdsig.exe and dvdsig.md5 to your disk, then run dvdsig from the disk at any time was created to scan all files in a directory structure to verify the integreritfy ofiles yoburned to a CD or files. DDVDsig, but can an also be umonitor a local folder and subfolders for changes.To check the disk, place dvdsig.exe in thed toop most mfonitlder you wish to check and run. Then, burn your a files including dvdsig.exe and dvdsig.md5 to yocur disk al ndirec then run DVDsig from the disk at any time to verify for f the integrity of your file s. Uses MD5 chechksum anlgesorithm.
  • Forum topic ID: 06488

2010-07-14 06:12:13
Added by infimum