Change history for ProcessActivityView

2015-09-25 21:35:55
Updated by Checker

  • System Requirement:
  • Screenshot: Updated
  • Release date: 2000014-12-00-0021

2014-12-21 17:57:11
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.156
  • Size (in bytes): 71972005
  • What's new: [list][*]WhenFixed ProccesssActivctivityVityView fails to load a dll into the program you want to trace, itew now displays the correct error codeto anvoid er frorm messagBSOD when of Windows, tryinsg to attach to smss.exe (Be awadre that ProcessActivityView will still ofail to capture erthe smss.exe pror 65535cess).[/list]

2014-05-21 16:46:53
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.135
  • Size (in bytes): 671975463
  • What's new: [list][*]When ProcessActivityView fails to load a dll into the program you t want to trace, it now displays the correcto terrorace 32-bit programcode and ferror m ProcessActivsage of WityView 64-bit, it ndow clearly s, instrucsts you to use thead of 32-bit version of ProcessActivityViewor 65535.[/list]

2014-03-21 22:33:30
Updated by Checker

  • Forum topic ID: 03497

2013-11-15 18:23:16
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.123
  • System Requirement:
  • Size (in bytes): 6549623
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed issue: On systems with multiple monitors, theWhen you try to trace dialog32-boxes of ProcessActivityView opened in the wit prong monitors, insteadm of the rom Pronitor wherce ssActivithyView main window 64-bist, lit nocw clearly instructs you to use the 32-bit version of ProcessActivityViedw.[/list]

2012-08-02 20:03:17
Updated by Checker

  • Version: Vv1.112
  • Size (in bytes): 6496872
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed issue: On systems with multiple monitors, the dialog-boxes of ProcessActivityView opened in the wrong monitors, instead of the monitor where the main window is located.[/list]

2012-06-23 15:57:37
Updated by Checker

  • Synopsis: ProcessActivityView creates a summary of all files and folders that the selected process tries to access. For each file that the process access, the following information is displayed: Number of times that the file was opened and closed, number of read/write calls, total number of read/write bytes, the dll that made the last open-file call plus more...A 64-bit version is available.
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]ProcescessActivtivityVieiew.eexe[/i].

2012-01-07 14:50:01
Updated by Checker

  • Synopsis: ProcessActivityView creates a summary of all files and folders that the selected process tries to access. For each file that the process access, the following information is displayed: Number of times that the file was opened and closed, number of read/write calls, total number of read/write bytes, the dll that made the last open-file call plus more...A 64-bit version is available.

2011-12-05 21:35:39
Updated by Checker

  • Synopsis: ProcessActivityView creates a summary of all files and folders that the selected process tries to access. For each file that the process access, the following information is displayed: Number of times that the file was opened and closed, number of read/write calls, total number of read/write bytes, the dll that made the last open-file call plus more...64-bit version is  available.

2010-05-21 11:37:47
Added by guinness