Change history for LSASecretsView

2024-01-28 01:03:20
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v1.256
  • System Requirement:
  • Release date: 2023-016-207-18
  • What's new: [list][*]Updated to work on Windows 8 and Windows 10.[*]Added support for reading LSA secrets from external drive of WFindows 10/8/7.[*]External drive reading - You c an now specify the Registry hives foroblder (e.g: K:\windows\systeem32\config) instead of wwindowsth decrypting LSA secrects from external dryive on Windows 11 22H2.[/list]

2016-07-18 19:10:26
Updated by billon

  • Icon: Updated
  • Screenshot: Updated

2016-07-18 18:52:56
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.215
  • System Requirement:
  • Size (in bytes): 55037994
  • Unicode support: No Yes
  • Download URL:
  • Release date: 20000-0016-007-18
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed a problem with Application Compatibility Engine on Windows 7/Vista: In some rare circumstances, this utility was shimmed by Application Compatibility Engine, which means that apphelp.dll and AcLayers.DLL were loaded into the process and replaced the WUpdated to work on Windows 8 and Windows API pointers in the exports tables 10. This [*]API replacement caused this utility to crash lsass.exde and restart the suppoperating system after a minute. This problem occurfor read when running this utility from NirLauincherg package,LSA because the excrecutable s frofm NiexterLnauncher contains the word 'launch', and from unknown rriveaso of Win, Microdowsoft automa 10/8/7.[*]Extically shim eernal drivee ry exeading - You can now specutableify that conhe Registary hinves thefolder (e.g: K:\windows\system32\cord 'lnfig) insteaud of windows direch'tory.[/list]

2014-03-21 21:42:47
Updated by Checker

  • System Requirement:
  • Forum topic ID: 0768

2012-09-22 16:01:37
Updated by Checker

  • Version: Vv1.21
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed a problem with Application Compatibility Engine on Windows 7/Vista: In some rare circumstances, this utility was shimmed by Application Compatibility Engine, which means that apphelp.dll and AcLayers.DLL were loaded into the process and replaced the Windows API pointers in the exports table. This API replacement caused this utility to crash lsass.exe and restart the operating system after a minute. This problem occured when running this utility from NirLauncher package, because the executable of NirLauncher contains the word 'launch', and from unknown reason, Microsoft automatically shim every executable that contains the word 'launch'.[/list]

2012-09-22 16:01:10
Updated by Checker

  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed a problem with Application Compatibility Engine on Windows 7/Vista: In some rare circumstances, this utility was shimmed by Application Compatibility Engine, which means that apphelp.dll and AcLayers.DLL were loaded into the process and replaced the Windows API pointers in the exports table. This API replacement caused this utility to crash lsass.exe and restart the operating system after a minute. This problem occured when running this utility from NirLauncher package, because the executable of NirLauncher contains the word 'launch', and from unknown reason, Microsoft automatically shim every executable that contains the word 'launch'[/list][by Checker]

2012-09-22 16:00:36
Updated by Checker

  • System Requirement:
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract a folder of your choice. Launch the program by double-clicking on [i]LSASecretsView.exe[/i].

2012-06-23 16:11:15
Updated by Checker

  • Synopsis: LSASecretsView displays the list of all LSA secrets stored on your computer. This includes your RAS/VPN passwords, autologon passwords and other system passwords/keys.A 64-bit version is available.
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract a folder of your choice. Launch the program by double-clicking on [i]LSASeecretsViiew.eexe[/i].
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed ed a probleoblem with Apppliicationation Compatibility Engine on Wiindoows s 7/Vista: In some rare circumstances, this utility was shimmed by Application Compatibility Engine, which means that apphelp.dll and AcLayers.DLL were loaded into the process and replaced the Windsta: In some rare circumstances, this utility was shimmed by Application Compatibility Engine, which means that apphelp.dll and AcLayers.DLL were loaded into the prowcess API and replaced the Windows API pointers in the expoinrts table. This API rers in the explacement caused this utility to crtsash tlsass.exe and restart the operating system after a minute. This proble.m occured when running Tthis API utility from NireplLaunchementr caused tpackage, because the executable of NirLauncher contains the word 'launch', and from unknown reason, Microsoft automaticallity to crassh lsass.exe and restart the operating system aftever a minute. This proy executablem occured whlen running this utili ty from NirLauncher packhage,t becontause the executable of NirLauncher cointainss the word 'he word 'laaunch', and from unknown reason, Microsoft automatically shim every executable that conta[/lins the word 'launch'][by Checker]

2012-02-15 17:27:47
Updated by Checker

    2012-02-15 17:25:24
    Updated by Checker

      2012-02-15 15:17:00
      Updated by I am Baas

      • Synopsis: LSASecretsView displays the list of all LSA secrets stored on your computer. This includes your RAS/VPN passwords, autologon passwords and other system passwords/keys.A 64-bit version is available.
      • What's new: Fixed a problem with Application Compatibility Engiixed a problem with Application Compatibility Engine on Windows 7/Vista: In some rare circumstances, this utility was shimmed by Application Compatibiliista: In some rare circumstances, this utility was shimmed by Application Compatibility Engineine, whichich means that apphelp.dll and AcLayers.DLL were loaded into the process and replaced the Windows API pointers in the exports table. This API mereplacemens that capphuselp.d this utillity to and AcLayerrash lsass.DLL were loaded into the processxe and replestacedrt the Windows API pointers i operatin the exportg sys table. This API replacement caused this utility to crash lsass.exfte and restart the operating system afterr a minute.  This problem occured when running this utility from NirLauncher package, because the executable of NirLauncher contains the word 'launch', and from unknown reason, Microsoft automatically shim every executable that contains the word 'launch'[by Checker]

      2009-11-29 20:01:09
      Updated by Checker

      • Categories: [Security - Password Recovery]
      • Size (in bytes): 52005037

      2009-11-29 19:55:11
      Updated by admin

      • What's new: Fixed a problem with Application Compatibility Engine on Windows 7/Vista: In some rare circumstances, this utility was shimmed by Application Compatibility Engine, which means that apphelp.dll and AcLayers.DLL were loaded into the process and replaced the Windows API pointers in the exports table. This API replacement caused this utility to crash lsass.exe and restart the operating system after a minute. This problem occured when running this utility from NirLauncher package, because the executable of NirLauncher contains the word 'launch', and from unknown reason, Microsoft automatically shim every executable that contains the word 'launch'[by Checker]

      2009-11-29 19:53:25
      Updated by admin

      • System Requirement: Win7
      • What's new: Fixed a problem with Application Compatibility Engine on Windows 7/Vista: In some rare circumstances, this utility was shimmed by Application Compatibility Engine, which means that apphelp.dll and AcLayers.DLL were loaded into the process and replaced the Windows API pointers in the exports table. This API replacement caused this utility to crash lsass.exe and restart the operating system after a minute. This problem occured when running this utility from NirLauncher package, because the executable of NirLauncher contains the word 'launch', and from unknown reason, Microsoft automatically shim every executable that contains the word 'launch'

      2009-11-29 19:52:13
      Updated by admin

      • Version: V1.201

      2009-11-13 16:45:01
      Updated by admin

      • Version: V1.120
      • System Requirement:
      • Writes settings to: Application folder (since release 1.12)
      • Stealth: No Yes
      • Suggested by: technicolordreamcoat

      2007-04-23 10:23:59
      Added by admin